Paxton Pits - 23 December 2012
Walked along the western side of the area to Diddington Pit Late afternoon the highlights being a redhead Smew on Island Pit, 4 Goosander over south, 117 Black-tailed Godwits over west with 3 Golden Plover in tow, a single Ruff on Pumphouse Pit, a lone Woodcock at dusk, 1 Chiffchaff and a respectable count of 55 Yellowhammers.
Grafham Water - 17 December 2012
A fairly swift lunchtime visit in bright sunny conditions and mainly covering the west end of the reservoir with a quick look at the dam...
Bewick's Swan 2, Scaup 1 adult female off Marlow, Smew a male and female in Sanctuary Bay, Goosander 18, Red-breasted Merganser 1 in Savages Creek, Great Northern Diver 1 in Sanctuary Bay, Little Egret 21, Green Sandpiper 1, Common Sandpiper 1 Marlow area, Turnstone 2 just east of Hill Farm, Yellow-legged Gull 3 (2 ads 1 3rd calendar year) and 2 Waxwings in Grafham Village near the old school - my first close views of the influx...
Bewick's Swan 2, Scaup 1 adult female off Marlow, Smew a male and female in Sanctuary Bay, Goosander 18, Red-breasted Merganser 1 in Savages Creek, Great Northern Diver 1 in Sanctuary Bay, Little Egret 21, Green Sandpiper 1, Common Sandpiper 1 Marlow area, Turnstone 2 just east of Hill Farm, Yellow-legged Gull 3 (2 ads 1 3rd calendar year) and 2 Waxwings in Grafham Village near the old school - my first close views of the influx...
Woodwalton Fen area - 16 December 2012
A benign winter morning with light southerly breeze, some high cloud and sunshine. A modest yet satisfying birding session from 0730 to 1300:
16 Bewicks and 4 Whooper Swans distantly on the adjacent fields, 2 redhead Goosanders on Great Raveley drain; a good raptor morning with 6 Sparrowhawks in the air and displaying together, a single male Merlin flashed across Darlow's Farm, a sub adult male Marsh Harrier perched and a ringtail Hen Harrier across the adjacent fields. Passerine highlights were limited to small numbers of winter thrushes, 4 Chiffchaffs, c.30 Siskins and 17 Lesser Redpolls with one larger likely Mealy that offered too brief views to be identified beyond doubt.
16 Bewicks and 4 Whooper Swans distantly on the adjacent fields, 2 redhead Goosanders on Great Raveley drain; a good raptor morning with 6 Sparrowhawks in the air and displaying together, a single male Merlin flashed across Darlow's Farm, a sub adult male Marsh Harrier perched and a ringtail Hen Harrier across the adjacent fields. Passerine highlights were limited to small numbers of winter thrushes, 4 Chiffchaffs, c.30 Siskins and 17 Lesser Redpolls with one larger likely Mealy that offered too brief views to be identified beyond doubt.
Grafham Water - 8 December 2012
A fairly calm and relatively mild morning after recent hard frosts and a fair variety of species seen between 0700 and 1130.
A Slavonian Grebe off the dam was probably the cream of the crop with plenty of variety in support the best of which were probably; 6 Shelduck, 3 Pintail (1 male), 2 female type Common Scoters, c 76 Goldeneye busy displaying off the Marlow Car Park, 5 Goosanders (2 males), 2 Red-breasted Mergansers both redheads, 8 Grey Partridges, 1 Ringed Plover, 3 Golden Plovers over SW, 6+ Redshanks, 4 Turnstones along the north shore, 1 first-winter Caspian Gull east over the dam; 1 Rock Pipit, 3 Waxwings near the Model Farm and later west over the Marlow car park, a single flock of 70 Fieldfares over west and 1 Chiffchaff - a typical collybita.
A Slavonian Grebe off the dam was probably the cream of the crop with plenty of variety in support the best of which were probably; 6 Shelduck, 3 Pintail (1 male), 2 female type Common Scoters, c 76 Goldeneye busy displaying off the Marlow Car Park, 5 Goosanders (2 males), 2 Red-breasted Mergansers both redheads, 8 Grey Partridges, 1 Ringed Plover, 3 Golden Plovers over SW, 6+ Redshanks, 4 Turnstones along the north shore, 1 first-winter Caspian Gull east over the dam; 1 Rock Pipit, 3 Waxwings near the Model Farm and later west over the Marlow car park, a single flock of 70 Fieldfares over west and 1 Chiffchaff - a typical collybita.
Slavonian Grebe off Grafham Dam 8.12.2012 |
Starling pre-roost Paxton Pits 25 November 2012 |
Grafham Water - 29 October 2012
Covered the dam and adjacent areas for three hours from 06.45 initially quite cloudy then brightening up considerably.
Three windblown adult Kittiwakes one of which was just below the dam wall and a Firecrest at the south end of the dam were the highlights.
Thrushes were still on the move though in reduced numbers, 780 Fieldfares SW in sporadic large flocks though only 93 Redwings were counted. Other species on the move included 2700 Starlings west, 240 Lapwings South, 32 Skylarks south, and 40 Meadow Pipits south. Otherwise there were 9 Goldeneyes, 1 adult Yellow-legged Gull, 1 Rock Pipit on the dam and 1 House Martin and 2 Swallows at the Model Farm.
Three windblown adult Kittiwakes one of which was just below the dam wall and a Firecrest at the south end of the dam were the highlights.
Thrushes were still on the move though in reduced numbers, 780 Fieldfares SW in sporadic large flocks though only 93 Redwings were counted. Other species on the move included 2700 Starlings west, 240 Lapwings South, 32 Skylarks south, and 40 Meadow Pipits south. Otherwise there were 9 Goldeneyes, 1 adult Yellow-legged Gull, 1 Rock Pipit on the dam and 1 House Martin and 2 Swallows at the Model Farm.
overflying Fieldfare |
adult Kittiwake |
Toseland Fields - 28 October 2012
Wandered around the fields west of Toseland from 1500 hrs until dusk.
The best bird of the session was seen on arrival, a female Merling flying low west over the stubble fields toward the Ouse Valley. Thrushes were still on the move with 950 Fieldfares SW and a nice flock of c400 alternating between a berry laden hedge and the stubble fields in company with c 160 Redwings, c 60 Song Thrushes and c 80 Blackbirds. 17 Robins was a higher count than the normal density for this kind of habitat and must have included continental immigrants. 8 Tree Sparrows and 16 Siskins flew south.
The best bird of the session was seen on arrival, a female Merling flying low west over the stubble fields toward the Ouse Valley. Thrushes were still on the move with 950 Fieldfares SW and a nice flock of c400 alternating between a berry laden hedge and the stubble fields in company with c 160 Redwings, c 60 Song Thrushes and c 80 Blackbirds. 17 Robins was a higher count than the normal density for this kind of habitat and must have included continental immigrants. 8 Tree Sparrows and 16 Siskins flew south.
Fieldfares heading south-west |
Little Paxton Balcony vis mig - 28 October 2012
Following yesterdays howling northerlies during which the highlight was 11 Whoopers that flew SW along the Ouse valley at 10.10 am a return to winds with a south-westerly element I spent the morning intermittently vis migging from the balcony 07.30 - 11.00 hrs.
Thrushes were moving in numbers today with 1,800 Fieldfares SW, c. 1100 Redwings SW, 230 Song Thrushes SW. Starlings were also on the move with 2000+ flying west. Otherwise 6 Bramblings SW was the highlight.
Thrushes were moving in numbers today with 1,800 Fieldfares SW, c. 1100 Redwings SW, 230 Song Thrushes SW. Starlings were also on the move with 2000+ flying west. Otherwise 6 Bramblings SW was the highlight.
Toseland Fields - 24 October 2012
Still murky with mizzle and a keen north-easterly, the sort of week to be in the field every day,
could only manage a couple of hours from 4 pm locally today.
Thrushes have clearly moved on from the coast - 420 Fieldfares through SW, Redwing c 170 SW,
18 Song Thrushes SW, and 7 Reed Buntings flew high S. 3 Golden Plovers looked and sounded lost calling heading low over the stubble fields and landing in a nearby winter wheat field. A Barn Owl along the valley at dusk was a fitting end to the afternoon.
could only manage a couple of hours from 4 pm locally today.
Thrushes have clearly moved on from the coast - 420 Fieldfares through SW, Redwing c 170 SW,
18 Song Thrushes SW, and 7 Reed Buntings flew high S. 3 Golden Plovers looked and sounded lost calling heading low over the stubble fields and landing in a nearby winter wheat field. A Barn Owl along the valley at dusk was a fitting end to the afternoon.
Nene Mouth - 22 October 2012
A visit to this area which in my view is a good migration watchpoint with a variety of habitats including fen fields, copses, hedgerows with narrow reed fringed pools and the impressive atmospheric backdrop of the vast bleak wilderness that is The Wash.
Ideal fall conditions of thick murk, mizzle and north-easterlies the hour or so drive from home couldn't pass quickly enough, I spent the morning from 08.00 to around midday slowly working the area...
Good numbers of thrushes dropping in, some seen and many others only heard as they passed overhead, difficult to quantify the numbers but c 60 Song Thrushes, c 310 Blackbirds, c900 Redwings (possibly double this number), c 700 Fieldfares and 6+ Ring Ouzels. Other notable species/numbers included c 140 Robins, c 150 Goldcrests, 2 Black Redstarts near Lodge Farm, 4 Swallows through south, 4 Chiffchaffs all of which looked like abietinus, c 600 Starlings. Non-passerines were represented by c. 60 Brent Geese,a male Merlin, a ringtail Hen Harrier, a single juvenile Arctic Skua along the river and 16 Snipe which dropped in. Marvellous stuff, leaving the camera at home was the only negative though photography on a day like this would have been problematic and time consuming in any case, a day to enjoy.
Ideal fall conditions of thick murk, mizzle and north-easterlies the hour or so drive from home couldn't pass quickly enough, I spent the morning from 08.00 to around midday slowly working the area...
Good numbers of thrushes dropping in, some seen and many others only heard as they passed overhead, difficult to quantify the numbers but c 60 Song Thrushes, c 310 Blackbirds, c900 Redwings (possibly double this number), c 700 Fieldfares and 6+ Ring Ouzels. Other notable species/numbers included c 140 Robins, c 150 Goldcrests, 2 Black Redstarts near Lodge Farm, 4 Swallows through south, 4 Chiffchaffs all of which looked like abietinus, c 600 Starlings. Non-passerines were represented by c. 60 Brent Geese,a male Merlin, a ringtail Hen Harrier, a single juvenile Arctic Skua along the river and 16 Snipe which dropped in. Marvellous stuff, leaving the camera at home was the only negative though photography on a day like this would have been problematic and time consuming in any case, a day to enjoy.
Grafham - 21 October 2012
Wandered along the dam and watched the gull roost build up from the Marlow area for a couple of hours in increasingly gloomy dour conditions until the rain set in from 17.30.
The laridae highlights were limited to a single first calendar year Caspian Gull, 7 Yellow-legged Guls (4 adults, 2 first calendar years and a second calendar year) and at least 12 striking argentatus Herring Gulls with very limited black and extensive white on the wing tips.
Otherwise 3 Goldeneye circled the reservoir in the gloom and a Short-eared Owl across the fields east of the dam were about it.
The laridae highlights were limited to a single first calendar year Caspian Gull, 7 Yellow-legged Guls (4 adults, 2 first calendar years and a second calendar year) and at least 12 striking argentatus Herring Gulls with very limited black and extensive white on the wing tips.
Otherwise 3 Goldeneye circled the reservoir in the gloom and a Short-eared Owl across the fields east of the dam were about it.
Balcony migration - 21 October 2012
A two hour watch from 0700 from the Little Paxton balcony in initially calm and misty conditions with a northerly breeze picking up.
Still a fair bit of movement today though lower numbers than yesterday
Rock Pipit 1 SE calling, Meadow Pipit 21 SW, Song Thrush 13 SW, Blackbird 7 SW, Redwing 4 dropped in, Goldfinch 21 S, Chaffinch 26 WNW, Brambling 1 W, Linnet 16 SW, Tree Sparrow 4 S.
Still a fair bit of movement today though lower numbers than yesterday
Rock Pipit 1 SE calling, Meadow Pipit 21 SW, Song Thrush 13 SW, Blackbird 7 SW, Redwing 4 dropped in, Goldfinch 21 S, Chaffinch 26 WNW, Brambling 1 W, Linnet 16 SW, Tree Sparrow 4 S.
Little Paxton - Balcony Viz Mig - 20 October 2012
0700 - 0930 visible migration watch from the balcony initially very misty over the Great Ouse and clearing slowly in a very light SE breeze.
Quite a few birds moving this morning including disoriented thrushes but the clear highlight were 3 Bearded Reedlings (all females/first-winters) which flew out of the phragmites bed and along the Ouse southwards.
Otherwise 4 Snipe W, 18 Golden Plovers over east, 64 Meadow Pipits SW, 223 Redwings S/W in several large flocks including some which dropped in, 24 Song Thrushes SW, 17 Blacbirds mostly W/SW, 330 Starlings mosly west, 96 Goldfinches S, 140 Chaffinches WNW, 2 Bullfinches SW, 182 Lesser Redpolls mostly S, 4 Redpolls sp S (i.e larger than Lesser with lower pitched slower call) and 61 Siskins mostly SW.
Grafham Water - 19 October 2012
Red-necked Grebe |
The highlight was a Red-necked Grebe which flew in from the west of the reservoir landing quite close to the dam until disturbed by fishing boats 15 minutes later when it flew off low back towards the west end. Otherwise an adult Mediterranean Gull, 3 Yellow-legged Gulls, 12 Little Egrets and 4 very flighty Rock Pipits were the only notable sightings on or near the water.
Visible migration was quite good until mid morning with 42 Lapwings S, 7 alba wagtails S, 35 Meadow Pipits mostly S with c. 70 along the dam bank, 2 Fieldfares S, 1 Tree Sparrow S, 27 Goldfinches S, 11 Siskins S, 117 Lesser Redpolls S, 72 Linnets S, 52 Chaffinches W and 5 Reed Buntings SW.
Red-necked Grebe |
Grafham Water - 15 October 2012
A five hour session along the dam and lagoons areas in mixed conditions initially cloudy then with rain for an hour or so then becoming a little brighter mid morning
Visible migration started off well then fizzled out somewhat once the rain set in a Short-Eared Owl was the highlight flying high south otherwise 34 Meadow Pipits S with c 40 on the dam, 7 alba Wagtails S, 71 Chaffinches WNW, 6 Bramblings WNW, 61 Goldfinches S, 61 Linnets S, 18 Lesser Redpolls mostly W/S with c 20 around, 42 Siskins Sand 3 Reed Buntings W. Oddly no immigrant thrushes were evident either moving or grounded.
Otherwise 1 male Peregrine flashed over the dam, 9 Little Egrets, 1 juvenile Ringed Plover presumed race tundrae appeared during rain, 4 Green Sandpipers and 2 Redshanks at the lagoons, 4 Yellow-legged Gulls (a ad, 1 1cy, 2 3cy), 3 Chiffchaffs and 2 Cetti's Warblers at the lagoons -
Visible migration started off well then fizzled out somewhat once the rain set in a Short-Eared Owl was the highlight flying high south otherwise 34 Meadow Pipits S with c 40 on the dam, 7 alba Wagtails S, 71 Chaffinches WNW, 6 Bramblings WNW, 61 Goldfinches S, 61 Linnets S, 18 Lesser Redpolls mostly W/S with c 20 around, 42 Siskins Sand 3 Reed Buntings W. Oddly no immigrant thrushes were evident either moving or grounded.
Otherwise 1 male Peregrine flashed over the dam, 9 Little Egrets, 1 juvenile Ringed Plover presumed race tundrae appeared during rain, 4 Green Sandpipers and 2 Redshanks at the lagoons, 4 Yellow-legged Gulls (a ad, 1 1cy, 2 3cy), 3 Chiffchaffs and 2 Cetti's Warblers at the lagoons -
Grafham Water - 8 October 2012
A more lively morning with a light ENE breeze and low temperatures overnight combining to encourage migration...covered the dam and adjacent areas from 0645-0945
Jay - a group of 6 flying high and purposefully SW with a further 3 S later, 3 Swallows south,
8 House Martins S, Chiffchaff numbers down to 4, c 18 Goldcrests, 420 Starlings mostly SW, 20 + Blackbirds at the model farm gorging frenetically on berries were obvious migrants, 21 Redwings mostly south with 8 dropping in, c230 Meadow Pipits S with c. 300 grounded, 17 alba Wagtails S with <15 on the ground, c 35 Chaffinches S, 1 Brambling S, 2 Siskin S, Goldfinches moving in numbers with c 170 S, 16 Lesser Redpolls S, 1 Redpoll sp S, c 25 Reed Buntings, and an increase in Yellowhammer numbers to c 14.
9 Little Egrets and 4 Yellow-legged Gulls were the only notable birds on or near the water.
9 Little Egrets and 4 Yellow-legged Gulls were the only notable birds on or near the water.
Redwing heading over south |
and a recently arrived Redwing |
Grafham Water - 6 October 2012
A lovely bright morning with a north-westerly breeze, spent 4 hours along the dam and immediate area...
16 Litle Egrets in trees west of Plummer, 4 Yellow-legged Gulls, 6 Golden Plovers over west, 2 Snipe south, c.60 Skylarks south, 5 Swallows south, 120 Meadow Pipits mostly south with c 80 in the vicinity of the dam, 2 Rock Pipits on the dam with possibly a third over SW, 14 Alba Wagtails south with greatly reduced numbers on the ground c.25 and with one almost certainly a White Wagtail, 19 Redpolls over south, c130 Goldfinches and c 90 Linnets.
16 Litle Egrets in trees west of Plummer, 4 Yellow-legged Gulls, 6 Golden Plovers over west, 2 Snipe south, c.60 Skylarks south, 5 Swallows south, 120 Meadow Pipits mostly south with c 80 in the vicinity of the dam, 2 Rock Pipits on the dam with possibly a third over SW, 14 Alba Wagtails south with greatly reduced numbers on the ground c.25 and with one almost certainly a White Wagtail, 19 Redpolls over south, c130 Goldfinches and c 90 Linnets.
Rock Pipit |
Rock Pipit |
the joy of dots or 6 Golden Plovers (one obscured) |
Grafham Water - 01 October 2012
Initially promising with some movement apparent but dissipating in the very mild condistions with temperatures in the high teens. Managed to visit most of the main viewpoints from 0730- 1330
23 Little Egrets including 16 in Dudney Bay, 6 Wigeon, 1 Green Sandpiper, 3 Yellow-legged Gulls, 16 Skylarks south, c70 House Martins and c 50 Swallow lingering, c96 Meadow Pipits though s/sw, 9 Siskins south, 6 Redpolls south. Good numbers of insects on the wing.
23 Little Egrets including 16 in Dudney Bay, 6 Wigeon, 1 Green Sandpiper, 3 Yellow-legged Gulls, 16 Skylarks south, c70 House Martins and c 50 Swallow lingering, c96 Meadow Pipits though s/sw, 9 Siskins south, 6 Redpolls south. Good numbers of insects on the wing.
male Migrant Hawker |
Grafham Water - 30 September 2012
Three hours on the dam from 07.30 in fresh south-westerlies...
5 + Little Egrets, 4 Wigeon, 1 Dunlin, 5 Yellow-legged Gulls, 2 adult Common Terns, 1 first-winter Little Gull off the Marlow car park, 5 Yellow-legged Gulls.
Some visible passerine migration and grounded migrants, with 33 Swallows south and c25 lingering, c350 Houe Martins lingering and 110 south, 8 Sand Martins south, 14 Skylarks south, 4 Grey wagtails south, 1 flava Wagtail south and just one other on Marlow cp, c 70 Meadow Pipits mostly south to south-west, and c140 in the dam area, 1 Rock Pipit south, 70 + Linnets south, 3 Redwings west, 2 Song Thrushes dropped in, 8+ Chiffchaffs, c 15 Goldcrests in the Marlow cp bushes, and 8 Jays high west.
5 + Little Egrets, 4 Wigeon, 1 Dunlin, 5 Yellow-legged Gulls, 2 adult Common Terns, 1 first-winter Little Gull off the Marlow car park, 5 Yellow-legged Gulls.
Some visible passerine migration and grounded migrants, with 33 Swallows south and c25 lingering, c350 Houe Martins lingering and 110 south, 8 Sand Martins south, 14 Skylarks south, 4 Grey wagtails south, 1 flava Wagtail south and just one other on Marlow cp, c 70 Meadow Pipits mostly south to south-west, and c140 in the dam area, 1 Rock Pipit south, 70 + Linnets south, 3 Redwings west, 2 Song Thrushes dropped in, 8+ Chiffchaffs, c 15 Goldcrests in the Marlow cp bushes, and 8 Jays high west.
Lammas Meadow - 28 September 2012
A late afternoon wander for three hours around the the local area;
2 Little Egrets over west; a single adult Hobby over south; 2 Golden Plovers over south-west; c300 Swallows south-west; c120 House Martins south-west with 30 lingering; 8 Goldcrests; 7 Chiffchaffs; 1 Lesser Whitethroat; 4 Blackcaps; c140 Goldfinches, 2 Siskins over SE and 20 Linnets.
2 Little Egrets over west; a single adult Hobby over south; 2 Golden Plovers over south-west; c300 Swallows south-west; c120 House Martins south-west with 30 lingering; 8 Goldcrests; 7 Chiffchaffs; 1 Lesser Whitethroat; 4 Blackcaps; c140 Goldfinches, 2 Siskins over SE and 20 Linnets.
Grafham Water 14 September 2012
A blustery morning with a fresh westerly spent three hours on the dam and at the yacht club.
A single Raven which flew south-east near the dam was the highlight of the morning otherwise there were 8 Yellow-legged Gulls; 1 Oystrcatcher; c 20 Yellow Wagtails with 8 over south-east; 14 Meadow Pipits over south-east; initially c 1600 hirundines mostly House Martins with smaller numbers of Swallows (c 300) most of which departed to the south-east in small groups before 09.30 leaving c 350 over the reservoir.
A single Raven which flew south-east near the dam was the highlight of the morning otherwise there were 8 Yellow-legged Gulls; 1 Oystrcatcher; c 20 Yellow Wagtails with 8 over south-east; 14 Meadow Pipits over south-east; initially c 1600 hirundines mostly House Martins with smaller numbers of Swallows (c 300) most of which departed to the south-east in small groups before 09.30 leaving c 350 over the reservoir.
Raven near Grafham Water dam |
Grafham Water - 10 September 2012
A long morning covering the south side of the reservoir and the dam to the Marlow Car Park in fresh ssw winds mostly cloudy with the odd spot of rain....
Larids provided the most interest again with 5+ yellow-legged Gulls and an intriguing yellow-legged presumed argentatus Herring Gull; a single juvenile Mediterranean Gull distantly and an adult Little Gull also seen distantly in Sanctuary Bay late morning; just two Common Terns an adult and a juvenile. Waders were in very short supply with 11 Lapwings high south; 3 Common Snipe and 5 Green Sandpipers at the lagoons; 3 Common Sandpipers and the Oystercatcher were still on the dam. A departure of passerines was apparent with Yellow Wagtails down to c. 30, just 3 Meadow Pipits and warblers limited to 15 Chiffchaffs, 2 Willow Warblers and c20 Blackcaps. c 30 Swallows through south, ditto a single Hobby and a lone Crossbill flew over eastwards....
Larids provided the most interest again with 5+ yellow-legged Gulls and an intriguing yellow-legged presumed argentatus Herring Gull; a single juvenile Mediterranean Gull distantly and an adult Little Gull also seen distantly in Sanctuary Bay late morning; just two Common Terns an adult and a juvenile. Waders were in very short supply with 11 Lapwings high south; 3 Common Snipe and 5 Green Sandpipers at the lagoons; 3 Common Sandpipers and the Oystercatcher were still on the dam. A departure of passerines was apparent with Yellow Wagtails down to c. 30, just 3 Meadow Pipits and warblers limited to 15 Chiffchaffs, 2 Willow Warblers and c20 Blackcaps. c 30 Swallows through south, ditto a single Hobby and a lone Crossbill flew over eastwards....
presumed argentatus Herring Gull with yellow legs - the structure and bluey grey tones are typical arngentatus, note the very pale eye and lack of prominent orange/red eyering |
although the primaries are still growing, the extent of black and the white tips are typical of argentatus |
in stark contrast to Kodak grey scale obsessions, a Comma on blackberries |
Grafham Water - 8 September 2012
A very large female second calendar year Peregrine appeared over the dam at 09.25 then flew off strongly west; 7 Yellow-legged Gulls; 2 Common Terns; 1 Dunlin, 1 Ringed Plover, 2 Common Sandpipers; 1 Oystercatcher; c 30 Swallows; 1 Spotted Flycatcher; c 85 Yellow Wagtails of which 70% were adults and all quite typical warm toned flavissimas; 2 Wheatears; a trickle of Meadow Pipits over south with c 20 grounded and an early Rock/Water Pipit over south calling. Lesser Whitethroats, Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs were much in evidence in the areas to the north and south of the dam.
aberrant juvenile Blackcap showing strong buffy brown tones on the upperparts, wings and underparts. |
female presumed second calendar year peregrine with rather finely marked primaries and secondaries |
Lesser Whitethroat |
Ouse Washes - 2 September 2012
A long overdue trip as the habitat has been excellent for a few weeks now, was amazed by the sheer numbers of wetland birds in the area and regretfully I could only spend four morning hours between Welches Dam north to the rail suspension bridge in somewhat murky conditions initially. Birds in the area were settled early morning but became increasingly disturbed by a combination of raptors and a quad bike later in the morning.
Some of the more interesting sightings were; 8 juvenile Marsh Harriers; 1 male Peregrine through south; 186 Little Egrets; the Glossy Ibis; masses of Teal; 60 + Garganey; c110 Wigeon including several groups arriving from the north; 3 Ringed Plovers; 17 Dunlin; 2 Turnstone; c116 Ruff; 18 islandica and 3 limosa Black-tailed Godwits; 3 Spotted Redshanks; c. 24 Greenshanks; c 90 Yellow Wagtails; 3 Wheatears; 2 Whinchats and a steady passage of Swallows south during the morning estimated total 350.
Some of the more interesting sightings were; 8 juvenile Marsh Harriers; 1 male Peregrine through south; 186 Little Egrets; the Glossy Ibis; masses of Teal; 60 + Garganey; c110 Wigeon including several groups arriving from the north; 3 Ringed Plovers; 17 Dunlin; 2 Turnstone; c116 Ruff; 18 islandica and 3 limosa Black-tailed Godwits; 3 Spotted Redshanks; c. 24 Greenshanks; c 90 Yellow Wagtails; 3 Wheatears; 2 Whinchats and a steady passage of Swallows south during the morning estimated total 350.
Grafham Water 1 September 2012
Sunny with brisk south-westerlies a five hour watch along the dam and southern viewpoints generally quiet and a bit of a slog today...
Just 2 Little Egrets; a family group of 4 Hobbies over the dam early afternoon; 7 Common Buzzards; 1 juvenile Dunlin on the dam; 1 Ostercatcher; 2 Common and 5 Green Sandpipers; c 25 Yellow-legged Gulls late aftrnoon; c. 20 Common Terns; 1 adult Arctic Tern off Dudney Creek; c.40 Swallows south with 20+ lingering; 3 Spotted Flycatchers; 3 Whinchats (1 at the Dam 2 at the Yacht Club); c and 25 Yellow Wagtails
Just 2 Little Egrets; a family group of 4 Hobbies over the dam early afternoon; 7 Common Buzzards; 1 juvenile Dunlin on the dam; 1 Ostercatcher; 2 Common and 5 Green Sandpipers; c 25 Yellow-legged Gulls late aftrnoon; c. 20 Common Terns; 1 adult Arctic Tern off Dudney Creek; c.40 Swallows south with 20+ lingering; 3 Spotted Flycatchers; 3 Whinchats (1 at the Dam 2 at the Yacht Club); c and 25 Yellow Wagtails
flava variations -25 August 2012
Since the 20 August there have been intermittently good numbers of flava wagtails at Grafham Water. The percentage of juveniles in these groups has been high and the variety of juvenile plumages impressive.
This morning there were at least 110 at the eastern end of the reservoir alone.
(none of these birds had the raspier type calls of eastern flava races the calls were typical of flavissima and the buirds were assumed to have been of the races flavissima or quite possibly flava).
flavissmia at the paler brownish end of the plumage tone range |
a strikingly pale greyish bird, one of two seen on 20 August, the other had a slight lemon wash on the undertail coverts and more contrasting upperparts |
Grafham Water - 20 August 2012
Thankfully cooler than yesterday with a fresh south-westerly breeze...
Covered the south side from the Dam to Mander car park from 0645 to 1345hrs
A bird showing characters of juvenile Spotted Sandpiper seen for 5 minutes on the shore near the Yacht Club then photographed in flight as it flew with a Common Sandpiper towards the Plummer Car Park. A brief summary of the key features noted...
Covered the south side from the Dam to Mander car park from 0645 to 1345hrs
A bird showing characters of juvenile Spotted Sandpiper seen for 5 minutes on the shore near the Yacht Club then photographed in flight as it flew with a Common Sandpiper towards the Plummer Car Park. A brief summary of the key features noted...
Structure good for Spotted heavy bellied, short rear end with a short tail extending slightly beyond the wings (short tail visible in the photo)
Square headed look (visible in photo).
Square headed look (visible in photo).
Wing coverts strongly barred buff and black - visible in flight even
Tertials fairly plain
Bill brownish yellow
Legs fleshy buff
Eyering and super more prominent than nearby Common (visible even in the flight photo)
Wingbar much narrower at base and not eaching the body (captured in the photo - note that the outer part of the wing bar is not wholly visible in the photo due to the outer wing angle).
A sighting doubtless to be dismissed by certain 'internet philosophers' but it looked pretty good to me...
Otherwise 6 Green Sandpipers, 4 adult Dunlin on the Dam, c 25 Common Sandpipers, 8 Yellow-legged Gulls, 1 3rd calendar year Little Gull, 1 Black Tern, c 30 Common Terns, c 60 Yellow Wagtails including the strikingly pale greyish individual photographed below with yellow tones limited to a slight lemon wash on the undertail coverts and 4 Spotted Flycatchers.
Otherwise 6 Green Sandpipers, 4 adult Dunlin on the Dam, c 25 Common Sandpipers, 8 Yellow-legged Gulls, 1 3rd calendar year Little Gull, 1 Black Tern, c 30 Common Terns, c 60 Yellow Wagtails including the strikingly pale greyish individual photographed below with yellow tones limited to a slight lemon wash on the undertail coverts and 4 Spotted Flycatchers.
Bird showing characters of Spotted Sandpiper today with Common Sandpiper |
3rd calendar year Little Gull |
strkingly pale juvenile Yellow Wagtail |
Little Paxton - balcony birding 19 August 2012
More cloud than this morning with a fresher south-easterly breeze intermittent sky watch from the balcony mid afternoon onwards...
The undoubted highlight was a family group of five Hobbies which lingered over Mill Field catching high flying dragonflies, they were present for well over and hour offering lovely views and whilst watching the Hobbies three Black-tailed Godwits appeared in my binocular view as they took precautionary evasive action away from the Hobbies and off south-eastwards. Later several observations of single Hobbies were doubtless the same birds but who knows maybe there was something of a passage of these dashing falcons underway. Otherwise 6 Common Terns flew south along the Ouse, 4 Yellow Wagtails high south and a group of 13 Swifts drifted high south-west.
Grafham Water 19 August 2012
Another very hot day with a light northerly breeze managed to cover most of the south side of the reservoir before wilting off home late morning...
The most notable event was a marked influx of some migrant passerine species with at least 9 Spotted Flycatchers counted between the south end of the dam and the fishing lodge, Lesser Whitethroats were also in evidence with a count of 14, a juvenile Common Redstart was at the lagoons. Yellow Wagtail numbers were down with just 14 counted
Gulls were limited to just 8 Yellow legs and a third calendar year Little Gull seen somewhat distantly from the dam. 25 Common Terns lingered with an additional 16 through high south over the dam, a single juvenile Arctic Tern and 2 Black Terns near the yacht club again. A single male Ruff flying over south, a Ringed Plover over south, 9 Common and 8 Green Sandpipers were the only waders logged. The eclipse male Red-crested Pochard was still loafing with the Tufteds at the west end of the reservoir.
The most notable event was a marked influx of some migrant passerine species with at least 9 Spotted Flycatchers counted between the south end of the dam and the fishing lodge, Lesser Whitethroats were also in evidence with a count of 14, a juvenile Common Redstart was at the lagoons. Yellow Wagtail numbers were down with just 14 counted
Gulls were limited to just 8 Yellow legs and a third calendar year Little Gull seen somewhat distantly from the dam. 25 Common Terns lingered with an additional 16 through high south over the dam, a single juvenile Arctic Tern and 2 Black Terns near the yacht club again. A single male Ruff flying over south, a Ringed Plover over south, 9 Common and 8 Green Sandpipers were the only waders logged. The eclipse male Red-crested Pochard was still loafing with the Tufteds at the west end of the reservoir.
Balcony Birding 18 August 2012
Birding limited to intermittent skywatching from the paxton balcony in baking hot conditions assisted by increased cloud cover post lunchtime enabling overflying birds to be more easily sighted...
Not surprisingly given the warm weather a few raptors were on the move with a very juvenile and 5 adult Common Buzzards over south-east; an adult Hobby ripped upstream took an Emperor dragonfly which it then dismantled and devoured on the wing; a stratospherically high ringtail Harrier had the jizz of Hen Harrier but could not be identified beyond doubt; large larids were also flying high and mostly due south with c 120 during the afternoon and given their height and direction it was tempting to assume that these are part of the regular influx from the continent rather than more local movements; 6 Yellow-legged Gulls flew towards Grafham in the early evening; 5 adult Common terns flew south along the Ouse; c 80 House Martins which have been lingering locally are becoming more excitable and garrulous by the day swarming up in excitable pre-migratory flights; a returning Spotted Flycatcher was in the weeping willow at the end of the garden. Six species of dragonfly added insect interest to proceedings...
Not surprisingly given the warm weather a few raptors were on the move with a very juvenile and 5 adult Common Buzzards over south-east; an adult Hobby ripped upstream took an Emperor dragonfly which it then dismantled and devoured on the wing; a stratospherically high ringtail Harrier had the jizz of Hen Harrier but could not be identified beyond doubt; large larids were also flying high and mostly due south with c 120 during the afternoon and given their height and direction it was tempting to assume that these are part of the regular influx from the continent rather than more local movements; 6 Yellow-legged Gulls flew towards Grafham in the early evening; 5 adult Common terns flew south along the Ouse; c 80 House Martins which have been lingering locally are becoming more excitable and garrulous by the day swarming up in excitable pre-migratory flights; a returning Spotted Flycatcher was in the weeping willow at the end of the garden. Six species of dragonfly added insect interest to proceedings...
Grafham Water - 15 August 2012
Strong south westerlies with afternoon rain made for an interesting evening session, two hours was just not enough time this evening....
The tern highlights were at least 19 Black Terns (9+ adults) I suspect that there were more, 1 adult Arctic Tern with 2 juveniles appeared over the Dam at 18.20 before heading off high north-east.
Otherwise 31 Yellow-legged Gulls; a single juvenile Mediterranean Gull over the dam heading in to the roost; 1 juvenile Turnstone arrived from the north at 1815 hrs, 1 Ringed Plover and 3 Common Sandpipers on the dam; a big increase in Yellow Wagtail numbers to 23 along the dam had doubtless dropped in during the rain as they do; c.20 Swifts and c.60 Swallows.
The tern highlights were at least 19 Black Terns (9+ adults) I suspect that there were more, 1 adult Arctic Tern with 2 juveniles appeared over the Dam at 18.20 before heading off high north-east.
Otherwise 31 Yellow-legged Gulls; a single juvenile Mediterranean Gull over the dam heading in to the roost; 1 juvenile Turnstone arrived from the north at 1815 hrs, 1 Ringed Plover and 3 Common Sandpipers on the dam; a big increase in Yellow Wagtail numbers to 23 along the dam had doubtless dropped in during the rain as they do; c.20 Swifts and c.60 Swallows.
Grafham Water - 13 August 2012
Spent a couple of hours early morning scanning the dam, lagoons and the western end, rather quiet and with higher water levels in most of the lagoons wader numbers were down to basic levels again...
The male Red-crested Pochard still in Dudney Creek; 4 Little Egrets; 1 Ringed Plover on the dam; 4 Green Sandpipers at the lagoons; 3 Common Sandpipers; c 23 Yellow-legged Gulls; c. 30 Common Gulls; c.40 Common Terns; c 50 Swallows; 5 Yellow Wagtails.
The male Red-crested Pochard still in Dudney Creek; 4 Little Egrets; 1 Ringed Plover on the dam; 4 Green Sandpipers at the lagoons; 3 Common Sandpipers; c 23 Yellow-legged Gulls; c. 30 Common Gulls; c.40 Common Terns; c 50 Swallows; 5 Yellow Wagtails.
Paxton Pits & Balcony birding 12 August 2012
A late afternoon visit to Paxton Pits delivered the following sightings:
1 Garganey on Pumphouse Pit; 2 Greenshanks; 2 Common Sandpipers; 2 Ringed Plovers; c32 Yellow-legged Gulls; 2 Caspian Gulls (a second calendar year and a third calendar year); c 40 Common Gulls; 2 juvenile Wheatears and a juvenile Whinchat.
Later from the balcony an evening of intermittent sky watching; 1 Common Snipe SE; 4 Crossbills low SE and a male Kingfisher feeding a well
grown juvenile...
1 Garganey on Pumphouse Pit; 2 Greenshanks; 2 Common Sandpipers; 2 Ringed Plovers; c32 Yellow-legged Gulls; 2 Caspian Gulls (a second calendar year and a third calendar year); c 40 Common Gulls; 2 juvenile Wheatears and a juvenile Whinchat.
Male Dark Bush Cricket in the garden |
grown juvenile...
Grafham Water 10 August 2012
A warm sunny morning in six hours covered the dam, lagoons and Dudney Bay areas, quite a slow start but ended up with a good tally by late morning...
33 Teal at the lagoons; 1 juv/female Common Scoter off the yacht club; 1 juv Garganey in Dudney Bay; 1 pale male RC Pochard; 10+ Little Egrets; 22 Green Sandpipers; 10 + Common Sandpipers; 3 Greenshank at the lagoons; 1 juv. Turnstone on the dam; 2 adult Sanderlings on the dam. An influx of Gulls raised the Yellow-legged Gull total to 23 and included 10 argentatus type Herring Gulls and included the striking fourth calendar year Caspian type bird photographed (see below). 2 Wheatears on the dam; 3 Yellow Wagtails; an influx of Willow Warblers with at least 30 between the Model Farm and the lagoons
A Roesel's Bush Cricket headed the insect sightings....
33 Teal at the lagoons; 1 juv/female Common Scoter off the yacht club; 1 juv Garganey in Dudney Bay; 1 pale male RC Pochard; 10+ Little Egrets; 22 Green Sandpipers; 10 + Common Sandpipers; 3 Greenshank at the lagoons; 1 juv. Turnstone on the dam; 2 adult Sanderlings on the dam. An influx of Gulls raised the Yellow-legged Gull total to 23 and included 10 argentatus type Herring Gulls and included the striking fourth calendar year Caspian type bird photographed (see below). 2 Wheatears on the dam; 3 Yellow Wagtails; an influx of Willow Warblers with at least 30 between the Model Farm and the lagoons
A Roesel's Bush Cricket headed the insect sightings....
Wheatear |
Roesel's Bush Cricket favouring the toilet block door! |
juvenile Turnstone |
Grafham Water - 8 August 2012
After a few days in North Yorkshire searching for and watching such nesting specialities as Goshawk, Red Grouse, Golden Plover, Dipper and Ring Ouzel it was back to Grafham this morning in promising murky damp conditions which rather failed to deliver anything to raise the pulse despite spending seven hours covering most of the reservoir....
1 Red-crested Pochard a very pale aberrant male with the aythya rafts in Dudney Creek; 23 Teal on the lagoons;14 Little Egrets; 1 juvenile Marsh Harrier south at 10.20 am; 16 Green Sandpipers; 11 Common Sandpipers; 1 Dunlin on the dam; 11 Yellow-legged Gulls (3 adults, 2 juveniles, 2 first calendar years, 4 second calendar years); an adult Kittiwake with Black-headed Gulls in the middle of the reservoir flew off strongly north-west at 07:15 hrs; 4 Common Gulls (1 ad 3 juveniles); c.25 Common Terns; 3 Swifts; c.30 Barn Swallows; 2 Wheatears on the dam wall; c.80 Pied Wagtails; just 1 Yellow Wagtail a juvenile on the lagoons; a good total count of c. 47 Linnets; 13 Yellowhammers.
1 Red-crested Pochard a very pale aberrant male with the aythya rafts in Dudney Creek; 23 Teal on the lagoons;14 Little Egrets; 1 juvenile Marsh Harrier south at 10.20 am; 16 Green Sandpipers; 11 Common Sandpipers; 1 Dunlin on the dam; 11 Yellow-legged Gulls (3 adults, 2 juveniles, 2 first calendar years, 4 second calendar years); an adult Kittiwake with Black-headed Gulls in the middle of the reservoir flew off strongly north-west at 07:15 hrs; 4 Common Gulls (1 ad 3 juveniles); c.25 Common Terns; 3 Swifts; c.30 Barn Swallows; 2 Wheatears on the dam wall; c.80 Pied Wagtails; just 1 Yellow Wagtail a juvenile on the lagoons; a good total count of c. 47 Linnets; 13 Yellowhammers.
adult Little Egret one of 14 today |
Grafham Water - 4 August 2012
Early morning visit to the dam and lagoons areas....
4 Little Egrets; 1 Garganey seen distantly in the reed fringe to the west of the Plummer car park; c 40 Lapwings; 2 Dunlin on the dam; 8 Green Sandpipers (5 Lagoons, 3 Plummer CP); 2 Common Sandpipers; just 5 Yellow-legged Gulls this morning (2 ads, 2 juv's, 1 3rd calendar year); 6 Common Terns including a single juvenile; a single female Wheatear dropped onto the dam wall at 08:15 ish was on time for an early returning migrant.
4 Little Egrets; 1 Garganey seen distantly in the reed fringe to the west of the Plummer car park; c 40 Lapwings; 2 Dunlin on the dam; 8 Green Sandpipers (5 Lagoons, 3 Plummer CP); 2 Common Sandpipers; just 5 Yellow-legged Gulls this morning (2 ads, 2 juv's, 1 3rd calendar year); 6 Common Terns including a single juvenile; a single female Wheatear dropped onto the dam wall at 08:15 ish was on time for an early returning migrant.
juvenile Common Tern |
Grafham Water 29 July 2012
A fine morning with occasional showers and a fresh south-westerly, walked my usual route along the dam and lagoons area.
Not a great deal to get excited about this morning with sightings as follows - 3 Little Egrets; 2 Common Sandpipers; 6 Green Sandpipers; 1 juvenile Curlew over south-west; 16 Yellow-legged Gulls (5 juveniles, 2 second calendar years, 4 third calendar years, 1 fourth calendar year and four adults); a bit of Common Tern movement evident with 30 on arrival increasing to 60 at 9.30 then back down to 20 late morning; a Turtle Dove flew over the lagoons; 240 Swifts; 60 Swallows; 8 Yellow Wagtails; good numbers of Chiffchaffs with c.30 between the dam and the lagoons.
Not a great deal to get excited about this morning with sightings as follows - 3 Little Egrets; 2 Common Sandpipers; 6 Green Sandpipers; 1 juvenile Curlew over south-west; 16 Yellow-legged Gulls (5 juveniles, 2 second calendar years, 4 third calendar years, 1 fourth calendar year and four adults); a bit of Common Tern movement evident with 30 on arrival increasing to 60 at 9.30 then back down to 20 late morning; a Turtle Dove flew over the lagoons; 240 Swifts; 60 Swallows; 8 Yellow Wagtails; good numbers of Chiffchaffs with c.30 between the dam and the lagoons.
male Common Blue |
Grafham Water 28 July 2012
From 0615 along the dam and lagoons area, nice sunny morning with a south-westerly breeze...
4 Little Egrets (2 juveniles); 2 Common Sandpipers along the dam; 5 Green Sandpipers at the lagoons; 7 Dunlin (2 lagoons, 3 along the dam); 1 Greenshank at the lagoons; c14 Yellow-Legged Gulls (3 juveniles); c 35 Common Terns; c 45 Common Swifts; 28 Swallows; c 40 House Martins over the lagoons; 7 Yellow Wagtails adjacent to the dam and 2 juvenile type Crossbills flew east over the dam...
3 Purple Hairstreaks were near the lagoons and good numbers of Gatekeepers on the wing.
male Gatekeeper |
variant male Gatekeeper |
Grafham Water 25 July 2012
An evening walk along the dam, sunny and warm but with a fresh NNW breeze.
3 Little Egrets flew over east, 3 Ringed Plovers (1 ad 2 juv's), 6 Lapwings, 1 Redshank, a juvenile Common Gull, c 8 + Yellow-legged Gulls (2 juv's), c45 Black-headed Gulls loafin on the dam included just 7 juveniles indicative of poor breeding success perhaps, 11 Common Terns (3 juv's), increased numbers of Yellow Wagtails with c.30 including 11 juv's many of which were feeding in the long grass below the dam and only visible when flushed by a Kestrel, C 60 Pied Wagatils and c. 20 Swallows.
As on my last three visits no Swifts were seen, I fear that they must have had a poor breeding season and have noted consistent light passage south along the River Ouse over the last couple of weeks or so; they have been seen departing from Portland Bill over the last few days...
Late evening from the balcony, a Turtle Dove flew south along the River Ouse and a Southern Hawker in the garden
3 Little Egrets flew over east, 3 Ringed Plovers (1 ad 2 juv's), 6 Lapwings, 1 Redshank, a juvenile Common Gull, c 8 + Yellow-legged Gulls (2 juv's), c45 Black-headed Gulls loafin on the dam included just 7 juveniles indicative of poor breeding success perhaps, 11 Common Terns (3 juv's), increased numbers of Yellow Wagtails with c.30 including 11 juv's many of which were feeding in the long grass below the dam and only visible when flushed by a Kestrel, C 60 Pied Wagatils and c. 20 Swallows.
As on my last three visits no Swifts were seen, I fear that they must have had a poor breeding season and have noted consistent light passage south along the River Ouse over the last couple of weeks or so; they have been seen departing from Portland Bill over the last few days...
Late evening from the balcony, a Turtle Dove flew south along the River Ouse and a Southern Hawker in the garden
juvenile Common Gull |
juvenile Ringed Plover |
Grafham Water 23 July 2012
An early morning walk along the dam with a brief visit to the lagoons...
Rather quiet with the main interest provided by an arrival of juvenile Yellow-legged Gulls with five around the dam this morning and swelling the Yellow-leg total to 21 today. Another gull further out on the reservoir could well have been a juvenile Caspian/Herring hybrid and had most of the features of the former species though the structure was rather akin to a small type Herring Gull. Very quiet on the wader front just 2 Common Sandpipers, 5 Green Sandpipers. Otherwise 1 Little Egret and 21 Yellow Wagtails werethe best of it.
Rather quiet with the main interest provided by an arrival of juvenile Yellow-legged Gulls with five around the dam this morning and swelling the Yellow-leg total to 21 today. Another gull further out on the reservoir could well have been a juvenile Caspian/Herring hybrid and had most of the features of the former species though the structure was rather akin to a small type Herring Gull. Very quiet on the wader front just 2 Common Sandpipers, 5 Green Sandpipers. Otherwise 1 Little Egret and 21 Yellow Wagtails werethe best of it.
juvenile Yellow-Legged Gull |
juvenile gull sp - possibly HerringxCaspian hybrid but actually also looks like a juvenile Baltic or Heuglins - not claiming it as anything! |
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