Little Paxton balcony birding 30 May 2012
A three hour skywatch from the balcony this evening produced a modest tally; 1 Red Kite, 2 Common Buzzards, 1 Hobby were the pick a large flock of c200 Swifts flying very high after torrential rain was noteworthy and hirundines were around in reasonable numbers
Grafham Water & Balcony birding 28 May 2012
Spent a couple of hours on the dam and an hour at the lagoons pre 9.00 am...
Not surpisingly very quiet given the warm anticyclonic conditions; migrants now settling down to breed with Willow Warbler, Common Whitethroat and a Spotted Flycatcher all seen carrying nesting material near the model farm. Otherwise a single Hobby over, a 2nd calendar year Yellow-legged Gull and more significantly a Little Egret in flight at a similar distance to the large Egret sp seen on 23 May was instructive to say the least
After very heavy thunder storms late afternoon did an hour on the balcony; 1 Black Tern flew along the Ouse and 1 Hobby over. Should probably have saved the grafham visit until the evening.....
Not surpisingly very quiet given the warm anticyclonic conditions; migrants now settling down to breed with Willow Warbler, Common Whitethroat and a Spotted Flycatcher all seen carrying nesting material near the model farm. Otherwise a single Hobby over, a 2nd calendar year Yellow-legged Gull and more significantly a Little Egret in flight at a similar distance to the large Egret sp seen on 23 May was instructive to say the least
Female Bullfinch against an azure sky |
Balcony Birding (Little Paxton) 27 May 2012
A four hour skywatch this afternoon delivered 7 Common Buzzards; 2 Red Kites; 3 Marsh Harriers (2 males 1 CC) north; 4+ Hobbies and 3 Ringed Plovers north.
Grafham Water 27 May 2012
A couple of hours early morning along the dam produced 4 Red Kites in the sky together; 1 Hobby; 1 4th calendar year Yellow-legged Gull; 11 Migrant Common Terns through north early one with an all dark red bill; 8 Swallows; 14 Yellow Wagtails; 3 Willow Warblers; 1 Lesser Whitethroat and 6 Yellowhammers.
Male Grey Wagtail |
Grafham Water 26 May 2012
Common Whitethroat in full song |
Nine species of warbler in song this morning in this area; 4 Little Egrets; a single Grey Plover in breeding dress and a couple of Ringed Plovers through north-east were the other notables
Grafham Water dam 23 May 2012
A distant Egret |
Flava wagtail sp |
A lovely warm though predictably quiet evening produced 1 Egret sp flying very high and distantly north-east, the apparent large size, relatively long wings and stouter bill (compared to Little) and lack of bright yellow feet even through the scope was intriguing with the proviso that distant Egret flight identification can be tricky; 6 Oystercatchers east; 1 Whimbrel high north; 6 Common Terns on their usual feeding commute between Grafham and Paxton Pits; 1 Turtle Dove north; just 18 Swallows; a single Spotted Flycatcher; a pulse of migrant Willow Warblers with 8 noted in the area adjacent to the dam and outnumbering singing Chiffchaffs 8:2; 7 Yellowhammers and a single Corn Bunting at the Model Farm
Another interesting male flava wagtail similar but not the same as the individiual seen on 14 May 2012, having more olive tones on the lower scapulars and a standard covert arrangement so probably within the range of flavissima variability, 6 'normal' Yellow Wagtails also present.
Grafham Water 21 May 2012
On the dam in cold north-westerlies at 0615 visited the lagoons late morning and sloped off home at midday after a long cold morning...
1 Hobby over, a distant ringtail Harrier sp was most likely a Montagu's but views too brief and distant to be certain as it flew over the fields to the north of the dam and over the hill brow;
1 Turnstone, 1 Dunlin race schnizii and 3 Sanderling on the dam, 2 Greenshanks through north and 1 on the lagoons, 5 Arctic Terns through at 09.15, 1 Black tern distantly in the middle late morning, 1 Little Tern in from the south took a 10 minute rest on the dam then flew off north, c300 Swifts, c900 Swallows, c90 House Martins. An influx of Common Whitethroats was noteworthy with 11 singing around the lagoons...
Little Tern at rest |
1 Turnstone, 1 Dunlin race schnizii and 3 Sanderling on the dam, 2 Greenshanks through north and 1 on the lagoons, 5 Arctic Terns through at 09.15, 1 Black tern distantly in the middle late morning, 1 Little Tern in from the south took a 10 minute rest on the dam then flew off north, c300 Swifts, c900 Swallows, c90 House Martins. An influx of Common Whitethroats was noteworthy with 11 singing around the lagoons...
female Yellow Wagtail the greyish crown and mantle indicative of strong flava genetic influence |
Hawthorn blossom a timely reminder that it is spring inspite of the temperature today |
Lammas Meadow and area 20 May 2012
Another cool day with mizzle opted for the doorstep patch:
1 Water Rail in the reedbed, 7 Dunlin flew north, c 220 Swalllows and a very few martins at the SF, 1 Wheatear at the SF, 1 Spotted Flycatcher, 1 Grasshopper Warbler reeled briefly, several obvious migrant Sedge Warblers, now 11 Reed Warblers singing, 3 Garden Warblers.
Laetiporus sulphureus or chicken of the woods |
Grafham Dam 19 May 2012
A gentle northerly with mizzle 0630-0900
Promising weather with heavy rain overnight brought down a few common waders though little else. A flock of 15 Ringed Plovers with a Sanderling attached were on the Dam then flew north-east at 07.10; 2 more Ringed Plovers remained with 4 Sanderlings; then 4 more Ringed Plovers arrived with 2 schinzii Dunlin at 09.03; 1 Common Sandpiper and a Common Snipe flew east.
The variation in the structure and plumage tones of the Ringed Plovers present this morning was marked with some showing the darker upperparts, smaller slimmer build, finer tarsus and longer thinner bills typical of the northernTundrae form. Given the date it's quite probable that most these birds were northerly breeders whether from north Scandanavia or North-East Canada. Interestingly all of the birds that were seen well had quite narrow breast bands
Otherwise 4 Grey Partridges in the murk that brought back memories of a female Blood Pheasant on the summit of Wawu Shan in Sichuan, China in 2010 -very odd! ; c 30 Barn swallows and reduced numbers of Yellow Wagtails with just 8 noted.
17.40 - 2 Grey Plovers flew low north along the Ouse at Little Paxton.
Promising weather with heavy rain overnight brought down a few common waders though little else. A flock of 15 Ringed Plovers with a Sanderling attached were on the Dam then flew north-east at 07.10; 2 more Ringed Plovers remained with 4 Sanderlings; then 4 more Ringed Plovers arrived with 2 schinzii Dunlin at 09.03; 1 Common Sandpiper and a Common Snipe flew east.
The variation in the structure and plumage tones of the Ringed Plovers present this morning was marked with some showing the darker upperparts, smaller slimmer build, finer tarsus and longer thinner bills typical of the northernTundrae form. Given the date it's quite probable that most these birds were northerly breeders whether from north Scandanavia or North-East Canada. Interestingly all of the birds that were seen well had quite narrow breast bands
Ringed Plover presumed race hiaticula one of the palest birds present Ringed Plover presumed race tundrae |
17.40 - 2 Grey Plovers flew low north along the Ouse at Little Paxton.
Lammas Fields 16 May 2012
A pleasant evening wander across the meadow. A single Hobby tied with a reeling Grasshopper Warbler for the highlight, 7 + Reed Warblers now competitively singing, 4 Spotted Flycatchers and a light passage of Swallows (max 30) through NW
More of my photos can be found at
More of my photos can be found at
Grafham Water 14 May 2012
Strong south-westerlies with rain did not deter me from an early start along the dam followed by a wander around the sludge lagoon area...
The highlight was a male Golden Oriole that flew across Diddington Wood to the east of the dam in the early morning but not seen after the initial sighting. Interestingly there were subsequently reports of three Golden Orioles from different sites in Cambridgeshire on 18 May and from central England generally during May.
Otherwise interest was provided by a flava wagtail with a pale grey crown, mantle and scapulars and showing a bright yellow super, interesting and almost certainly a hybrid but of what parentage? certainly not the standard 'Channel Wagtail' type....
c 27 Common Terns, 2 Turnstones and 3 Sanderling on the dam with 4 of the latter through NE, 4 Avocets on the sludge beds, c 135 Swifts, c150 Barn Swallows,2 Wheatears, a male Whinchat, 23 Yellow Wagtails, 2 Tree Pipits, 2 Spotted Flycatchers, 11 singing Lesser Whitethroats.
Otherwise interest was provided by a flava wagtail with a pale grey crown, mantle and scapulars and showing a bright yellow super, interesting and almost certainly a hybrid but of what parentage? certainly not the standard 'Channel Wagtail' type....
flava wagtail sp |
Sanderling |
Balcony Birding 13 May 2012
A three hour session delivered 2 Hobbies, a female Montagu's Harrier high north, an Osprey east, a steady passage of hirundines SW and 2 Spotted Flycatchers in the weeping willow which is something of a migrant trap for arboreal insectivores...
The Balcony Patch overlooking the Great Ouse @ Little Paxton Weir |
Grafham Water Dam 13 May 2012
Lovely sunny morning so fewer migrants.....
1 Little Tern over the Dam at 0640 then off east (probably the bird reported from Paxton Pits mid morning) c15 Common Terns, 2 2nd winter Yellow-Legged Gulls, c30 Swifts, c20 Swallows through north, 16 Yellow Wagtails, 6 Wheatears.
1 Little Tern over the Dam at 0640 then off east (probably the bird reported from Paxton Pits mid morning) c15 Common Terns, 2 2nd winter Yellow-Legged Gulls, c30 Swifts, c20 Swallows through north, 16 Yellow Wagtails, 6 Wheatears.
Yellow Wagtail on Hawthorn |
Male Wheatear |
Grafham Water - 12 May 2012
Dam area 0645 -9.00 - lovely bright sunny morning
Red Rumped Swallow - still present for it's 5th day and looking rather weary taking every opportunity to rest on the tarmac dam road in between brief airborne sortees and disturbance from cyclists/joggers
also 1 Turnstone feeding on the dam wrack, a summer-plumage Sanderling, 1 Common Sandpiper, 1 Roseate Tern appeared over the Dam at 07.20 with 26 Common terns in a typically tight migratory group and flew off high north too quickly for me to get a photo, 1 Turtle Dove, c 30 Swifts, c 18 Swallows, 8 yellow Wagtails, 2 Spotted Flycatchers near Plummer.
Red Rumped Swallow - still present for it's 5th day and looking rather weary taking every opportunity to rest on the tarmac dam road in between brief airborne sortees and disturbance from cyclists/joggers
also 1 Turnstone feeding on the dam wrack, a summer-plumage Sanderling, 1 Common Sandpiper, 1 Roseate Tern appeared over the Dam at 07.20 with 26 Common terns in a typically tight migratory group and flew off high north too quickly for me to get a photo, 1 Turtle Dove, c 30 Swifts, c 18 Swallows, 8 yellow Wagtails, 2 Spotted Flycatchers near Plummer.
Grafham Water 9 May 2012
An evening walk along the dam in murky conditions.
Red Rumped Swallow - had been seen earlier in the afternoon but went missing finally appearing high over the dam at about 8.15 pm and then appeared to fly off ENE
5 Artcic Terns, c 20 Common Terns, 3 Dunlin, 7 Yellow Wagtails, c200 Swallows, very few martins, c20 Swifts, 2 Spotted Flycatchers.
Red Rumped Swallow - had been seen earlier in the afternoon but went missing finally appearing high over the dam at about 8.15 pm and then appeared to fly off ENE
5 Artcic Terns, c 20 Common Terns, 3 Dunlin, 7 Yellow Wagtails, c200 Swallows, very few martins, c20 Swifts, 2 Spotted Flycatchers.
Grafham Water 7 May 2012
Bank holiday weather staying true to form with a north-easterly with rain spreading prefect for a visit to Grafham Water....
Red Rumped Swallow - 1 seen distantly with Swallows from Plummer at 2.30 was later reported from the north end of the dam
8 Avocets of the sludge beds, 18 Common, 6+ Arctic and 2 Black terns, 2 Tree Pipits, c 600 Barn swallows, c 200 Swifts and a marked arrival of Graden Warblers and Lesser Whitethroats....
Red Rumped Swallow - 1 seen distantly with Swallows from Plummer at 2.30 was later reported from the north end of the dam
8 Avocets of the sludge beds, 18 Common, 6+ Arctic and 2 Black terns, 2 Tree Pipits, c 600 Barn swallows, c 200 Swifts and a marked arrival of Graden Warblers and Lesser Whitethroats....
Lammas fields etc Little Paxton 6 May 2012
Still cold northerly winds with overcast dour skies...
2 Common Buzzards, 1 Red Kite, 6 Common terns fishing along the River Ouse, 2 Yellow Wagtails over north, c 120 Swallows and c60 House Martins at the SF, 7 Chiffchaffs, 4 Blackcaps, 1 Common Whitethroat, 1 Lesser Whitethroat. all seemed as it might be given the weather then a male Pied Fl;ycatcher appeared in the Lammas Fields hedge and changed the afternoon's sullen mood completely....delightful
2 Common Buzzards, 1 Red Kite, 6 Common terns fishing along the River Ouse, 2 Yellow Wagtails over north, c 120 Swallows and c60 House Martins at the SF, 7 Chiffchaffs, 4 Blackcaps, 1 Common Whitethroat, 1 Lesser Whitethroat. all seemed as it might be given the weather then a male Pied Fl;ycatcher appeared in the Lammas Fields hedge and changed the afternoon's sullen mood completely....delightful
Queen Mary Res. Surrey 3 May 2012
Back for a murky evening at QMR...A second-winter Iceland Gull (the Barnes bird?) appeared at 1800 and stayed for the rest of the evening, 48 Bar-tailed Gowits through NE in 4 flocks, 2 first-summer Little Gulls, 1 Hobby, 1 male Greenland Wheatear, 3 male White Wagtails, 14 Yellow Wagtails, c30 Swifts and 80 Swallows through mostly eastwards.
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