An evening walk along the dam, sunny and warm but with a fresh NNW breeze.
3 Little Egrets flew over east, 3 Ringed Plovers (1 ad 2 juv's), 6 Lapwings, 1 Redshank, a juvenile Common Gull, c 8 + Yellow-legged Gulls (2 juv's), c45 Black-headed Gulls loafin on the dam included just 7 juveniles indicative of poor breeding success perhaps, 11 Common Terns (3 juv's), increased numbers of Yellow Wagtails with c.30 including 11 juv's many of which were feeding in the long grass below the dam and only visible when flushed by a Kestrel, C 60 Pied Wagatils and c. 20 Swallows.
As on my last three visits no Swifts were seen, I fear that they must have had a poor breeding season and have noted consistent light passage south along the River Ouse over the last couple of weeks or so; they have been seen departing from Portland Bill over the last few days...
Late evening from the balcony, a Turtle Dove flew south along the River Ouse and a Southern Hawker in the garden
An aberrant male Kestrel with rusty orange underparts and very well marked
underwings. Were this individual to be seen briefly or flying very high it could very
easily be mistaken for an immature Red-foot, the upperparts were as normal. |
juvenile Common Gull |
juvenile Ringed Plover |