Grafham Water - 27 August 2013

Initially cloudy then clearing to become sunny with a light NW breeze. 

An early morning visit to the dam for a couple of hours with a follow up visit to the lagoons at lunchtime. 

6 Yellow-Legged Gulls (3 adults and 3 juveniles) were on the dam; c.30 Common Terns; 1 juvenile Greenshank at the lagoons; 1 Dunlin on the dam; 4 Common Sandpipers; c. 60 Yellow Wagtails on or near the dam included one variant - a very pale washed out bird with pale grey mantle and pure white supercilium; c. 70 Pied Wagtails feeding along the dam; good numbers of Chiffchaffs at the lagoons with c.20 counted; 3 Whinchats were on or near the dam early morning; 1 Wheatear on the dam; c. 80 Swallows; a juvenile Redsart in scrub at the north end of the dam and 6 Crossbills flew over NW. 

Whinchat - first winter - Grafham Water 27 August 2013 

Grafham Water - 26 August 2013

A couple of hours watch from the lodge and Church Hill cove areas from 1600 hrs. A sunny evening with a brisk WNW breeze.

c. 40 Common Terns still, c.250 GBB Gulls and c.20 Yellow-legged Gulls had assembled in a pre-roost gathering. A single adult Sandwich Terns flew along the north shore. 

Yellow-legged Gull - adult - a slightly atypical variant
Grafham Water - August 2013 

Grafham Water - 24 August 2013

A muggy and warm morning with a fresh northerly wind and rain, good conditions for wader and tern movement.

Spent 06.45 to 10.30 covering the dam and fishing lodge areas.

Whimbrel were on the move - 4 were on the dam early morning until pushed off then eventually flew out SW at about 10.00, 6 flew SW at 07.30, a flock of c.18 SW at 09.55 and finally 3 SW at 10.10; 10 Ringed Plovers flew SW and 1 NW; 2 Greenshanks dropped onto the dam briefly before heading off SW; the juvenile Ruff was still on the dam; 2 Snipe flew over and 6 Common Sandpipers were counted. 

Good numbers of terns were present with 16 Black Terns off Marlow early morning then swirled off high west and later 11 Black Terns perhaps part of the same flock were off the lodge; 4 Arctic Terns (1 ad, 3 juveniles) lingered and 4 adults flew straight through south at 08.15; c. 50 Common Terns; 3 Yellow-legged Gulls (3 adults and 1 juvenile).

Notable passerines were limited to a Whinchat at the Yacht Club, c.60 Swallows at the dam and c.80 House Martins over the Yacht Club. 

Later at home 2 adult Sandwich Terns flew south-west along the Great Ouse and 7 Common Terns flew straight through south. 

Whimbrel over Grafham Water in the murk - 24 August 2013 

Grafham Water - 23 August 2013

A cool morning initially then warmer and sunny with a light easterly breeze. 

Covered the dam and fishing lodge areas 07.45-1100 hrs 

An Osprey flew in over the dam from the east at 08.25, continued to the west end of the reservoir lingered for a while then flew off high west; the easterlies had brought in 2 adult Black Terns which were off the dam at 09.20 and then flew south; c 40 Common Terns; 3 juvenile Arctic Terns were off the lodge; just 2 adult Yellow-legged Gulls were noted; the juvenile male Ruff was on the dam still in company with an adult Ringed Plover; c. 25 Yellow Wagtails were all typical flavissima types; c. 30 Swallows were feeding near the north end of the dam and 15 drifted slowly high south; a female White Wagtail had joined the Pied flock on the dam and an early autumn flock of Linnets were also in this area; Chiffchaffs, Willow Warblers, Whitethroats and Blackcaps were also very evident and obviously now passing through. 

Ruff a juvenile male - Grafham Dam 23 August 2013 

Balcony Watch Little Paxton. - 16 August 2013

A cooler morning with rain showers and a fresh SW wind.

A group of c150 mixed Swallows and House Martins moved south-west at 08.10 just prior to a rain shower and encouraged me to keep looking skyward, the movement of mainly Swallows and Martins continued all morning albeit in smaller numbers the total by midday reaching 760 Swallows, 410 House Martins and c35 House Martins. A single Green Sandpiper added a dash of excitement and an influx of Chiffchaffs was evident judging by the number of calling birds. 

Grafham Water - 15 August 2013

After early morning rain had cleared a visit to the dam, Hill Farm, lagoons and fishing lodge areas for a few hours.

The rain had dropped in a few waders mostly on the dam:1 juvenile Ruff; 1 Sanderling; 8 Ringed Plovers (2 ads and 6 juveniles); 1 Little Ringed Plover over south; 8 Common Sandpipers were counted. Common Terns had increased to c.120 including several family groups and 2 juvenile Arctic Terns were at the south end of the dam. 1 Turrtle Dove flew through south; c.30 Swallows and c. 20 House Martins were at the north end of the dam where a nice small group of warblers were gorging on windblown insects included 2 Garden Warblers, 6 Chiffchaffs, 2 Willow Warblers, 3 Whitethroats and a Lesser Whitethroat. c. 25 Yellow Wagtails were on the Marlow cropped grass including the 4 odd looking juveniles noted on 14th; 1 Wheatear in the north fields. Few large gulls were present today but did include 6 Yellow Legs and an odd bird that I couldn't quite work out pictured below. The aberrant Red Crested Pochard was again in Dudney Creek. 

Sanderling - Grafham Dam 15 August 2013 - a presumed first-summer bird judging by the covert and tertial fringing and the extent of moult to non-breeding plumage. 

Sanderling - Grafham Dam 15 August 2013  - note how pale the legs appear in this photo due to the angle and light.

    Larid Sp - Grafham Dam - 15 August 2013 

Grafham Water - 14 August 2013

Cooler overnight with clear skies with a light WNW breeze. 

Covered the dam area and briefly the lagoons and fishing lodge areas. 

c.50 yellow Wagtails were near the north end of the dam and included 4 juveniles with colder greyer tones to the head and mantle with whiter underparts, supercilium and wing bars well within the range of flava, given the variable genetics of this species group they might well have been variant flavissima.

c. 80 Pied Wagtails were on the dam; 4 Common Sandpipers; c 42 Little Egrets; c.40 Common Terns; 6 elegant juvenile Common Gulls on the dam were the first to pass through; 12 Yellow-legged Gulls including 6 juveniles; the Danish colour ringed GBB Gull was present again and from nearer home a colour ringed Black-headed Gull had been ringed at Milton just north of Cambridge; a very pale male Red-crested Pochard was in Dudney Creek; 4 Green Sandpipers were at the lagoons; and c.40 Swallows and c.20 House Martins were near the dam. 

Bullfinch - male ground feeding - Grafham Water  14 August 2013 

Grafham Water - 9 August 2013

A long morning from 07.15 covering the dam and adjacent areas, the lagoons and the fishing lodges area. A nice morning with south-westerly winds after rain and 17 degrees.

A sprinkling of waders were on the move; 14 Oystercatchers flew through mostly south (big numbers were moving south past east coast watch-points in the last couple of days); 2 Ringed Plovers flew south; 4 Snipe, 1 Greenshank, 8 Green Sandpipers, and 2 Dunlin were on the lagoons; 1 Avocet was initially on the dam then re-located to Gaynes Cove; 8 Common Sandpipers. 16 Yellow-legged Gulls were counted including 3 juveniles; a single adult Arctic Tern was among 48 Common Terns including 18 juveniles. c120 Pied wagtails were on the dam and 40 Yellow Wagtails were on the dam and the favoured cropped grass adjacent to the Marlow car park; c60 Swallows and just 6 Swifts were present. 35 Little Egrets were counted and a lone adult Hobby flew south over the dam. 

Grafham Water - 7 August 2013

A nice morning with a fresh east-north-easterly breeze and sunny with some cloud.

Nothing as exciting as a flock of 22 Whimbrel which flew down the Ouse valley calling over the house at 20.50 hrs on 3rd of August looking for somewhere to roost but...

23 Little Egrets were counted, Common Sandpipers had increased to 4, a Dunlin and 7 Green Sandpipers, 11 Yellow-legged Gulls and 96 Common Terns; most frustratingly I heard a Spotted Redshank call several times above the dam but never got on to it, presumably it was a high flying bird that came down a little for a look, realised the limitations of the dam wall as feeding habitat and then headed off....

Juvenile Common Tern - Grafham Water August 2013 

Grafham Water - 31 July 2013

Following 4 Whimbrel which flew south over the house on evening of the 28th, the trickle of autumn waders continued today at Grafham, a summer plumage Turnstone was on the dam with a schinzii race Dunlin and a Common Sandpiper; a Green Sandpiper was at the south end of the dam and 5 were on the lagoons as was a single Snipe; a Turtle Dove which purred briefly at the lagoons was a pleasant and increasingly rare treat; 14 Sand Martins flew purposefully south; 3 juvenile Yellow Wagtails and c. 40 juvenile Pied Wagtails were on the dam and 3 Crossbills flew south-west over the lagoons. 

Common Sandpiper - Grafham Water - July 2013

Grafham Water - 19 July 2013

A bright sunny warm morning with an easterly breeze.

After several fairly uneventful July visits a little more interest today was provided by a Black-necked Grebe in non breeding plumage off the dam. 

Otherwise there were 14 Yellow-legged Gulls, a 4th calendar year colour ringed Great Black Backed Gull that had been ringed as a juvenile at Katholm in Denmark and having previously been seen in Oxfordshire in 2010; a very sickly looking adult Common Gull was on the dam; 43 Common Terns were counted though there were only 2 juveniles; 16 Lapwings flew high west; 5 Green Sandpipers were on the lagoons; 8 Little Egrets were off the Plummer car park; a male Peregrine flew over high eastwards; a juvenile Grey Wagtail was on the dam and the only Yellow Wagtail seen was an adult female also on the dam. 

Black-necked Grebe - Grafham Water - July 2013

Grafham - 9 July 2013

Misty early on then clearing and with a cool easterly breeze.

11 Common Terns off the dam were joined briefly by an unexpected adult Arctic Term which then flew off west into the early morning murk: 7 Yellow-legged Gulls; very few juvenile Black-headed Gulls with just 7 on the dam; 6 Green Sandpipers were on the lagoons as was an adult Little Ringed Plover; the first 7 juvenile Yellow Wagtails had appeared on the dam joining 14 juvenile Pied Wagtails, Garden Warblers were still singing at the lagoons with 8 counted.  

Juvenile Black-headed Gull - Grafham Dam - July 2013
The only other recent birds of note were 7 Curlew which flew over the house in the early morning of 6 July. 

Ouse Washes - 3 July 2013

After rain overnight, a cloudy morning with occasional bursts of sunshine and a light south-westerly breeze. Walked from Welches Dam to the railway bridge.

The return passage of waders very evident this morning. 143 Black-tailed Godwits comprised 29 race limosa including 6 juveniles the rest were adult islandica; an adult Spotted Redshank and 2 Wood Sandpipers were in full breeding dress; 31 Ruff and a single Reeve were on the pool nearest the railway bridge; 4 Greenshanks flew north. 
Breeding waders were much in evidence including 5 Little Ringed Plovers, 14 Avocets with 9+ young, at least 43 juvenile Redshank were counted a couple of Snipe were still drumming. 

Garganey ducklings had increased to 6; c. 30 Teal; 21 Little Egrets; 6 Common Terns and just including 1 juvenile were fishing along the Delph; c. 60 Common Swifts flew through SW.

Black-tailed Godwits - Ouse Washes - July 2013 

June 2013 summary

Due to other priorities Ornisobscura has been on the back burner for a while, hence the late postings. 

2 June 2013 - Lammas Meadow 
The first visit of the month was to the doorstep patch of Lammas Meadow an area of seasonally flooded meadow along the Great Ouse. Numerous Southern Marsh Orchid spikes were an impressive sight all across the still very wet meadow. While nine singing Reed Warblers and a singing Lesser Whitethroat were establishing territories 2 Spotted Flycatchers at the south end of the copse were still on the move. 

Reed Warbler - Lammas Meadow 

Southern Marsh Orchid 
The highlights of a three hour balcony sky-watch in the afternoon were 2 Hobbies through north and an Osprey north-west. 

5 June 2013 - Ouse Washes 
A cool overcast morning with a northerly breeze. A total of 9 adult Garganey (5 males) included a pair with three small ducklings which appeared on open water briefly before being ushered back onto the nesting sedge tussock by the attentive and vocal female.

Garganey family - Ouse Washes 

A variety of waders present included migrating birds that had stopped off mingling with those breeding on the Washes with their first chicks now appearing. 6 Little Ringed Plovers were busy displaying; 37 Ringed Plovers included 28 obvious tundrae 6 obvious hiaticula and 3 that were intermediate in appearance; 9 Lapwing chicks;  11 Dunlin included 4 schinzii, 6 alpina and one very small squat short-billed bird with very pale scapular fringes and a small indistinct belly patch that could well have been race arctica; 3 Curlew Sandpipers comprised two in full brick red breeding dress and a third bird with just a few red bands on the underparts presumably a first-summer bird; c.45 adult Redshank were counted with 11 juveniles; 11 Black-tailed Godwits and 16 Snipe some of which were busy drumming. 

Two cream crown Marsh Harriers and two Hobbies were the notable raptors. A LIttle Tern flew through north mid morning. 

Little Tern - Ouse Washes  June 2013

A flock of c280 House Martins were over Welches Dam were the only noteworthy passerines, Yellow Wagtails were in short supply with just 9 counted. 

7 June - Grafham Water 
Another day with a fresh northerly wind but brighter than earlier in the week, a good morning for admiring the view being rather quiet on the bird front, two hours at the Dam and Lagoons were enough. 

An Oystercatcher and an alpina race Dunlin were on the Dam, 2 Red Kites; c. 200 Swifts; 1 Cetti's Warbler was singing at the lagoons as were 6 Willow Warblers. 2 Spotted Flycatchers were probably the highlight. 

8 June - Lammas Meadow 
Cloudy and cool with a fresh northerly wind  with early mist, two early morning hours 

A Nightingale was obliging singing from scrub along the Great Ouse; 3 Lesser Whitethroats were singing and c. 30 Common Terns flew along the river north-eastwards in several groups. 

NIghtingale singing in early morning mist

Late June - Grafham

Following a trip away, made several visits to Grafham in the last two weeks of June during a rather quiet period: 

On the June 18th 3 Yellow-legged Gulls were present, just 15 juvenile Pied Wagtails on the dam and 71 Gadwall were already gathering on the Lagoons indicative of poor breeding success for both species, meanwhile c 600 Swifts doubtless included migrants.

A pair of Avocets were at the lagoons still on 21st June and were joined by the first returning Green Sandpipers (4), an adult male Little Ringed Plover may have been breeding nearby, just one male Yellow Wagtail was on the dam with no juveniles visible yet and just 8 juvenile Pied Wagtails. 

on 26th of June 12 juvenile Black-headed Gulls were on the dam, 10 Yellow-legged Gulls heralded the main summer influx, 3 Curlew flew south, an adult Common Sandpiper was on the dam as were 2 adult Redshank with just 1 Green Sandpiper at the lagoons. C. 700 Common Swifts were counted over the dam in the early morning, 4 adult yellow Wagtails also on the dam and two Meadow Pipits carrying food. Garden Warblers were in full song still as were Willow Warblers with the odd now rather hoarse sounding Chiffchaff also still singing. 

An impressive avian spectacle was observed on the fine morning of 29th of June when c. 2700+ Common Swifts were over the dam in a massive swirling vortex then all moved westwards en mass. A passage of Swifts moving south-west continued for most of the morning. 7 Yellow-legged Gulls were counted; c.20 Sand Martins were unexpected and were possibly failed breeders; just one male Yellow Wagtail was seen with a male Cuckoo the only other sighting of note. 

Willow Warbler - Grafham Water June 2013

Ouse Washes and Grafham 29 May 2013

Northerly winds murk and rain until 09.30 and then intermittently later, ideal conditions for grounding migrant waders heading for the Arctic tundra. 

Covered the Ouse Washes from Welches Dam north eastwards to just beyond the railway bridge from 07.30 to 13.30 followed by an hour along the dam at Grafham Water.

Good numbers of waders were on the Washes; c. 70 Ringed Plovers most of which were race tundrae;  3 Golden Plovers flew north, 2 Grey Plovers were near the railway bridge until spooked by a Marsh Harrier then flew north with 10 Ringed Plovers; a Curlew Sandpiper was more settled with Dunlins and Ringed Plovers in front of Stockdales Hide, 17 Dunlin -  a mix of alpina and schinzii, 5 Sanderling, a Little Stint on a pool with Ringed Plovers near the railway bridge flew over to the east side of the washes when disturbed by a quad bike. While arctic tundra bound waders were struggling to reach their breeding grounds the first 4 Avocet chicks of the year were attempting to feed, 8 Black-tailed Gowits  were counted and at least 7 Snipe were drumming during a slightly brighter period late morning. 

Other species noted were c. 20 Little Egrets, 1 'cream crown' Marsh Harrier, 5 male Garganey, 2 Hobbies and, a male Whinchat near the railway bridge. 

An hour along the dam at Grafham delivered 4 tundrae Ringed Plovers, 1 Sanderling, 4 Dunlin,
c. 200 Swifts and a Hobby.  

The murky Ouse Washes

Curlew Sandpiper - distant digiscoped record shot

Little Egret in classic foot paddling stalking pose

Dunlin and Sanderling - Grafham Dam 

Ouse Washes - 27 May 2013

A very pleasant early morning walk north along one hundred foot drain from Mepal to Oxlode in bright sunshine and with an increasingly fresh southerly wind. 

c. 25 Little Egrets, 1 adult male and c 5 'cream crown' Marsh Harriers; 2 male Garganey one of which was keeping very exotic company in the form of a drake Mandarin; 1 Wood Sandpiper was on the best looking though distant wader pool;11 race tundrae Ringed Plovers; 9 Black-tailed Gowdwits; 2 Turtle Doves, 5 Corn Buntings plus the usual commoner species. 

A rather scruffy 'cream crown' Marsh Harrier

Drake Mandarin and Garganey

Grafham Water - 24 May 2013

Another day with fresh winds, initially from the south-west, then later in the afternoon veering north-east with heavy showers again. 

Two visits today to the dam from 0630-0800 and Hill Farm, Mander and the south end of the dam 1530-1700. 

3 Yellow-legged Gulls; 3 Arctic Terns were off the dam early morning with 1 off the fishing lodge later in the day; 8 Common Terns. The heavy afternoon showers had brought down numbers of hirundines with c. 300 Swallows, c. 60 Sand Martin and c. 100 House Martins off Hill Farm there were also c. 400 Swifts. 

A single Little Ringed Plover was on the dam late afternoon on 25 May, little else noted though in a two hour trawl of the north side of the reservoir apart from 6 Common Buzzards and 2 Red Kites. 

Grafham Water - 23 May 2013

A cold north-westerly wind, cloudy in the morning with occasional very heavy showers developing.

The dam, Mander and lagoons areas were covered early morning with a briefer visit to the dam and Hill Farm areas late afternoon..

3 Sanderlings were on the dam in the morning with just 1 left by late afternoon, a first-summer Turnstone was also on the dam as were 6 Oystercatchers. An Arctic Tern resting on the dam flew off high ENE early morning with a second bird off Mander. A male Avocet flew over the dam and headed toward the lagoons, there were 4 Yellow-legged Gulls (1 adult, 1 second calendar year and 2 third calendar years). 
A Spotted Flycatcher was at the north end of the dam and c. 150 Swifts were counted. 

Lammas Meadow & Grafham - 20 May 2013

A north-easterly breeze and overcast.

Two Siskins early morning at Lammas Meadow appeared to be on territory, a single Arctic Tern flew ENE along the Ouse valley. 

Later 1 Hobby, 1 Turnstone, 3 Common Sandpipers, c. 60 Swifts and 6 Yellow Wagtails were on or over the dam at Grafham Water.

Pyrenees and the steppes of Huesca - 16-19 May 2013

A short trip with the old gang to this fantastic area. A great variety of habitats are accessible within a relatively small area ranging from cereal and semi-desert tableland steppe through Mediterranean type scrub to the verdant valleys and craggy peaks of the Pyrenees. 

Despite losing most of a day to heavy snow in the Pyrenees a day which was earmarked for treeline and alpine meadow specialists, a four day trip delivered the following selected highlights: Lammergeier, Golden Eagle, Short-toed Eagle, Goshawk, Lesser Kestrel, Great Bustard, Black-bellied Sandgrouse, Great Spotted Cuckoo, Roller, Dupont's Lark, Short-toed Lark, Lesser Short-toed Lark, Thekla Lark, Calandra Lark, Blue RockThrush, Rock Thrush, Black Wheatear, Black-eared Whetear, Subalpine Warbler, Spectacled Warbler, Wallcreeper, Red-backed, Woodchat and Iberian Great Grey Shrikes, Alpine Chough, Rock Bunting, Ortolan Bunting and a host of other interesting species. 

Tableland steppe El Planeron reserve north of Belchite

Dupont's Lark - perching on the side of low scrub typical singing position.
At least  6 birds began singing before dawn, this bird showed particularly
well later at about 07.30 singing from this low perch and in song flight. 

Spectacled Warbler - near Candasnos, Monegros

Short-toed Eagle - one of a pair engaged in display above Sastago, Monegros
Short-toed Lark - El Planeron - Belchite
Corn Bunting - a common bird of the Monegros cereal steppes

Nightingale being typically showy in a small orchard at Belchite
Rock Sparrow - Belchite monument 

Wheatear  form libanotica,  Belchite monument. Quite obviously different
to nominate: slightly smaller with a stronger bill, paler ashy grey upperparts,
less buff on underparts and a narrower tail band are the obvious features but
more subtle  differences combined to form a very distinctive jizz.

Lammergeier - Hecho Valley 

Wallcreeper - record shot - Boca El Infierno, Hecho Valley. After a three hour intermittent
watch of this known site, this fabulous species appeared and stayed for ten minutes
before heading off up the valley. In this case persistence paid off as the Wallcreeeper
was sighted within 15 minutes of our last reasonable departure time from the valley.
Bird of the trip by consensus. 

Grafham Water - 14 May 2013

A very fresh morning with cold south-westerly winds and clear skies, cloud increasing during the day with heavy showers in the afternoon. 

From 06.30 - 10.00 covered the dam and lagoons areas with a return visit to the dam and Mander viewpoints from 3.00 - 4.30.

A quiet morning with just 1 Dunlin on the dam, 1 third calendar year Yellow-legged Gull, 2 Avocet on the lagoons, 1 female Wheatear on the dam and c 50 Swifts. 

The afternoon showers brought in Swifts with c400 present and hirundines with c 260 Swallows and c 150 House Martins. A  Sanderling had joined the Dunlin on the dam and 2 Whimbrel flew through high north-east. A single Arctic Tern was off Mander and just two Common Terns were present.


Common Swift 

Lammas Meadow - 12 May 2013

A warm though fresh morning with a light south-westerly wind:

Fairly quiet this morning, a Turtle Dove which flew through north was the highlight, otherwise 4 Little Egrets over south, 8 local Common Terns, 1 Hobby over, 2 male Yellow Wagtails on the flash, 2 Lesser Whitethroats and c. 25 Swifts. 

Grafham Water - 11 May 2013

Following a couple of rather quiet days, fresh south-westerly winds with several very heavy showers, some with hail, late afternoon brought a few migrants in. A three hour spell at various points along the south side of the site. 

2 Turnstones were on the dam as were 3 Dunlin plus 8 on the lagoons as were 2 Avocets still; 4 Ringed Plovers and 3 Common Sandpipers were also on the dam and 3 Sanderling circled over the dam during heavy rain and may well have landed. 2 Arctic Terns were off the dam and 14 Common Terns were counted. A single third calendar year Yellow-legged Gull was the only larid of note.

4 Hobbies between the lagoons and dam sporadically harassed Swifts and hirundines with one successful kill (a House Martin).

Warblers were well down in numbers compared to the high numbers noted on the 8th and 9th of May with many having moved on, 2 Cetti's Warblers were singing at the lagoons. 

A single nominate Wheatear was on the dam, 2 Cuckoos were at the lagoons, 6 presumably local breeding Yellow Wagtails  on the dam. C 140 Swifts and c 230 Swallows were around during one the heavy showers.

Turnstones at a canter - Grafham dam 

Grafham Water - 8 May 2013

Initially very murky with intermittent rain until 8 am and south-easterly winds, becoming brighter through the day

A couple of hours on the dam early morning and a lunchtime repeat visit with a walk to the lagoons.

A bit of movement early morning with a Little Tern straight through east and 8 Arctic Terns through south-east after lingering off the dam for a while. 13 Ringed Plovers circled the Dam before heading off ENE into the murk. Just 4 Yellow Wagtails were counted and a single Common Sandpiper was on the dam. Garden Warblers were present in numbers many singing with c.12 between the south end of the Dam and the Lagoons a wave of Chiffchaffs was also evident with c 18 in the same area. 2 Avocets and a single Bar-tailed Godwit were on the lagoons. 

Bar-tailed Godwit 

Lammas Meadow, Little Paxton 6 May 2013

Initially calm then a gentle southerly breeze backing south-east, sunny and warm.

A couple of hours on the meadow from 06.30, then a bit of skywatching from the balcony in the evening. 

Despite the unpromising conditions a pulse of new passerine migrants the best of which was a female Redstart, 2 Tree Pipits which flew off NE from the main hedge and the first Garden Warbler of the year. 

Whitethroats were up in number at 8 and a single Lesser Whitethroat was new in otherwise warbler numbers were as expected. 31 Swallows flew through north.

Four distant terns were probably Black but were just beyond id range. 

An evening balcony watch failed to produce much excitement, 2 Common Sandpipers were the only noteworthy sightings. 

Lammas Meadow, Little Paxton - 5 May 2013

Light SW breeze, sunny and warm with some cloud.

An early morning walk across Lammas Meadow followed up with watches from the house balcony from 1100-1300 hrs and 1900-2100 hrs.

Lammas Meadow was very quiet this morning with 1 Wheatear being the only new in migrant, but the balcony watches were more productive. 

4 Common Buzzards were displaying over the Mill Field copse, 1 first-summer Grey Plover flew ENE as did 11 Dunlin, 4 male Yellowhammers heading north were intriguing. At 2043 hours 17 Arctic Terns flew high north toward Grafham in the rapid migratory flight style that this species can adopt when required. 

Balcony Skywatch - 4 May 2013

Very fresh SW wind with occasional heavy showers - intermittent river/skywatching throughout the day.

Sandwich Tern - 2 flew ENE along the Ouse late morning, 6 late Black-tailed Godwits flew north, a male Cuckoo flew along the river and a small passage of Swallows ENE totalled c70 birds. 

Lammas Meadow - 3 May 2013

A light frost with mist across the meadow, calm with clear blue skies..

An hour and a half or so from 0600hrs....

5 Wheatears (3 males) (all race oenanthe) on the playing fields were new in as was a Grasshopper Warbler reeling along the central hedge, otherwise fewer warblers than yesterday certainly with clear skies overnight. 

Lammas Meadow - 2 May 2013

Too nice an evening not to spend a couple of hours on the doorstep patch...

11 presumably local Common Terns along the Ouse were joined briefly by 6 Arctic Terns which then headed off high ENE, 4 Teal flew north, 2 Snipe were on the flash with 2 Yellow Wagtails, 2 male Wheatears had survived the days canine disturbance or might have dropped in late. Warblers were in full song with 18 Reed which must have included migrant birds, 3 Sedge, 2 Blackcaps, 3 Whitethroats, 4 Lesser Whitethroats, 3 Chiffchaffs and a Willow Warbler. 6 Swallows flew north.

Ouse Washes - 2 May 2013

Bright blue skies with  a few cirrus clouds and easterlies coming from a fair way east which brought in

Red-footed Falcons (3)

Leaving Churchmans hide at 11.45 a scan across the Bishopsland meadow to the west revealed a male Red-footed Falcon hunting over the wet 'troughs', walking north to get closer views the falcon appeared to have doubled back and was over the pond near the Ship Inn. I  phoned the news in as an adult or near adult male since I was certain that I had seen some pale in the lower belly.

The adult male which showed reasonably well had the requisite brick red thighs, vent and undertail coverts and silvery outer upper wings (stunning!)  but I was pretty certain that there was a second male with a paler patch at the lower belly presumably a fourth calendar year bird (i.e. near adult) and this was proven to be the case with views of a distant male which was presumably this bird whilst the adult male was still in view at the southern end of Bishopsland. 

The birds were never really close and quite wary though typically perched between frequent high wheeling hunting sorties I decided to try the road near the Ship Inn which seemed a favored spot being sheltered from the easterlies and spent 45 minutes scanning but only managed distant views of the two males when a full adult female came into my scope view with the adult male and both were watched for a few minutes before disappearing across the bank and into the Washes. 

The birds were feeding avidly so were presumably very recently arrived. 
Poscript: interestingly having looked closely at some excellent photographs of the male at Lakenheath, Suffolk on 3 May this has somewhat paler red thighs and lower belly with more yellow pigment presumably this was the second male which appeared at a distance to have a paler lower belly and thighs.  

4 Garganey (south end Common wash Hide), 1 Whooper Swan (presumably ill), 4 Pintail, c 40 Little Egrets, c40 Black-tailed Godwits mostly race limosa, 26 + Ruff, c. 40 Redshank, 24 + Avocets, 1 cream crown Marsh Harrier, 1 second calendar year Mediterranean Gull, 5 Wheatears, 1 Whinchat and c 25 Yellow Wagtails. 

Adult male Red-footed Falcon - Ouse Washes
Adult male Red-footed Falcon heading towards the Washes past the distinctive aqua wires 

same bird showing the diagnostic silvery outer upperwings

Grafham Water - 27 April 2013

A cold northerly wind with prolonged squalls this morning some with hail but also some very bright sunny spells when oddly the air temperature was still low enough for breath to condense. 

A watch from 07.30 - 12.30 covering the shore from Marlow to Savages Creek and west from the Yacht club with a brief visit to the Dam. 

The squalls had grounded some migrants; c 30 Yellow Wagtails and 2 Wheatears were in fields above Sanctuary Bay with 21 Yellow Wagtails elsewhere and 3 Wheatears west of Mander; c 650 Swallows, 200+ House Martins and c. 80 Sand Martins were feeding and resting in the same area during the heaviest of the morning rain after which they left quickly to the east; a total of 4 Whinchats were new in and 8 Lesser Whitethroats were counted. 

1 Arctic Tern was in Sanctuary Bay during one of the squalls and there were c 15 Common Terns around; 4 Common Sandpipers were east of Hill Farm; Whimbrel were moving through with 13 in total (11, 1, 1) flying north through the squalls; 3 Bar-tailed Godwits also flew through north. 

 Hirundines resting during a squall