Pyrenees and the steppes of Huesca - 16-19 May 2013

A short trip with the old gang to this fantastic area. A great variety of habitats are accessible within a relatively small area ranging from cereal and semi-desert tableland steppe through Mediterranean type scrub to the verdant valleys and craggy peaks of the Pyrenees. 

Despite losing most of a day to heavy snow in the Pyrenees a day which was earmarked for treeline and alpine meadow specialists, a four day trip delivered the following selected highlights: Lammergeier, Golden Eagle, Short-toed Eagle, Goshawk, Lesser Kestrel, Great Bustard, Black-bellied Sandgrouse, Great Spotted Cuckoo, Roller, Dupont's Lark, Short-toed Lark, Lesser Short-toed Lark, Thekla Lark, Calandra Lark, Blue RockThrush, Rock Thrush, Black Wheatear, Black-eared Whetear, Subalpine Warbler, Spectacled Warbler, Wallcreeper, Red-backed, Woodchat and Iberian Great Grey Shrikes, Alpine Chough, Rock Bunting, Ortolan Bunting and a host of other interesting species. 

Tableland steppe El Planeron reserve north of Belchite

Dupont's Lark - perching on the side of low scrub typical singing position.
At least  6 birds began singing before dawn, this bird showed particularly
well later at about 07.30 singing from this low perch and in song flight. 

Spectacled Warbler - near Candasnos, Monegros

Short-toed Eagle - one of a pair engaged in display above Sastago, Monegros
Short-toed Lark - El Planeron - Belchite
Corn Bunting - a common bird of the Monegros cereal steppes

Nightingale being typically showy in a small orchard at Belchite
Rock Sparrow - Belchite monument 

Wheatear  form libanotica,  Belchite monument. Quite obviously different
to nominate: slightly smaller with a stronger bill, paler ashy grey upperparts,
less buff on underparts and a narrower tail band are the obvious features but
more subtle  differences combined to form a very distinctive jizz.

Lammergeier - Hecho Valley 

Wallcreeper - record shot - Boca El Infierno, Hecho Valley. After a three hour intermittent
watch of this known site, this fabulous species appeared and stayed for ten minutes
before heading off up the valley. In this case persistence paid off as the Wallcreeeper
was sighted within 15 minutes of our last reasonable departure time from the valley.
Bird of the trip by consensus. 

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